
Archetypes Certification

Do you wish to help others grow without cost to self?

Is your dream to facilitate for others?

Are you willing to step forward as mentor and guide yet don’t know how?

For the past 30 years I have worked with thousands of people in various countries to help them find their way. I am bringing all this together with tools and techniques, which are tried and tested to succeed. The course discusses the ups and downs of working with others; the theory I have created on how to do so and the templates and techniques that will ensure you are seen in a professional and successful manner.

This is a one year certified course for those seeking the tools and techniques to make a difference. Mentoring has never been more important than now when our world seems so chaotic. Being able to step forward to help others create productive and financially secure, fulfilled lives is more important than ever.

The course is divided into 4 terms or modules each of approximately 10 weeks.

Each term contains 2 x 2 hour webinars, 2 x monthly group meetings and 6 tutorials. You will be able to work with one significant tool from the very beginning of each term to set up your own practice or to add valuable tools to an existing one. Each term is all about a specific area of life and how to assist those who are struggling to find inner balance and joy.

This is a one year course of tuition using the Essential Archetypes™

Each term is called It’s All About :

Term 1 – Archetypes:

This term introduces you to the Archetypes and to your own four archetypes. We learn about the first three and how they affect you. Using exercises and meditations we meet each of the first three and learn what they are. Here you will learn how to work with the archetypes questionnaire to use with clients and techniques to help them recognise their archetypes.

Term 2 – Value

In this term we explore our value and value system. We uncover where we self sabotage and where we hold real gold within. The exercises and meditations open the door to learning about self without judgement or criticism. In this term you work with buddies and clients to help them access their value. Tips and techniques are offered to help you to navigate any troublesome areas.

Term 3 – Relationships

Here we look at the relationships we have and how to create the ones we want – especially with self. Through the techniques offered we learn how the pitfalls we might encounter and how to address them. This term provides clear guidelines to help your clients to recognise their blind spots and how to address them in relationships.

Term 4 – Career/Purpose

Term 4 is where it all comes together to see our soul operating behind the scenes and how it can help us to clarify our career or purpose. This term enables you to work confidently with your client to bring a clear and open acceptance who self.

There are tutorials each week and group discussions once each fortnight. Each term there is work to be submitted. You will work with buddies for your own practise and you are expected to find 3 fee paying clients with whom you can practise. You might offer this to them as a pilot project at a smaller fee initially. However this is important in helping you to gain confidence and develop your own skills.

Email support is offered.

Certification is granted on successful completion of the full course and course work.

We recommend a 15 minute chat to ensure this is a good fit for you. If this interests you then please email me to arrange this.