Do you watch the news for the latest issues?
Do you prefer not to see “negative” reporting?
Do you find positive or uplifting things to share with others?
More and more our media seems to focus on what’s wrong in our world. Each day some other terrible thing has occurred and our mood swings as we hear or see of it. However, behind all the negatives, good things can develop. Jacinda Ardern, the NZ prime minister, refused to attach to the negative and focussed on how to make the Christchurch massacre an opportunity for good. If we all looked at our lives through a lens of seeing opportunity and using it, we would show equal leadership to our families, colleagues and those we encounter in our daily life. This is being a role model for good. Nelson Mandela, despite the price he paid for his beliefs stood as a role model for all.
Making someone smile, offering a kind word, stepping up to lift the mood are all ways we can role model positivity in our world and bring more balance to it.
What other ways could we do this?
Insight Teachings Aus Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 475 565 141