There’s an old saying; when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. And it used to frustrate me until it dawned on me what exactly it was helping us to do. We all go through periods where life flows really well, and then for some of us, we come to a screeching halt. The unexpected has occurred and we’re challenged. If we sit in why me? we can’t resolve it. If we sit and say, very well, if things have been upset, I’ve been set up to learn something, it gives us back our power.
And so when we’re challenged, it’s about seeking clarity. What’s this challenge about? What’s the energy? What are the skills that I have to deal with this challenge? I can hear some of you say, often the challenges come from external factors. Makes no difference. It may be that the bank is not very happy with how you manage your account and is threatening action of some kind. It may be a relationship where your partner wants you to do something differently and you feel that your independence and your equality in the relationship is challenged. It still starts within.
We can feel a victim of our circumstances, or we can look at what’s happening and we can ask ourselves what do we want to do about this? Do we want the situation to continue? If not, what are the qualities that we have that will help us to resolve that situation?
At the moment, Tony – my husband – is being admitted to hospital because he’s not doing very well. I can’t change that. I can’t make it go away. I can’t fix him. I can look at what do I do in that situation for myself and to make it easier for him. If I say Why me? We’re doing a good job. Why is this happening? I miss the point. It’s happening because here’s an opportunity for us to learn and to grow and to move on.
So do I move on kicking and screaming or do I say, well here’s another adventure. I don’t like it. I didn’t choose it. How can I improve who I am and grow within it? Clarity when you’re challenged is the best focus for your energy.
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