Falling Asleep in Meditation
What does falling asleep in meditation tell us about our alignment with the Elements?
Here we share our thoughts and ideas, which we hope you enjoy.
What does falling asleep in meditation tell us about our alignment with the Elements?
Why do we get upset? Is it emotional? Is it mental? Is it spiritual?
Is staying aligned with the elements simply about using a daily meditation to do so? Find out in this month’s Vlog
What does it mean if we keep falling asleep in meditation?
Our Archetypes are not just archetypes of qualities but they are also elements.
What simple step can we take daily to stay aligned to the elements within?
If we are feeling overwhelmed, the quickest way, if it’s possible, is to go out into nature!
How do we know if we’re out of alignment? Find out in this month’s Audio Teaching.
How do your Elements and the Archetypes connect? Find out in this month’s challenge.
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