The Elements of your Being
The Elements of your Being
Here we share our thoughts and ideas, which we hope you enjoy.
Today’s Reel looks at the connection between the Element of Fire and Being Happy
April’s Challenge looks at what’s required of us if we want to work with the Elements
This month’s Vlog offers a good example of what can happen when the elements are not aligned.
As part of our new theme, we’re offering this Short Guide to the Elements. Press Play to discover what each element is about.
This month we are working with a new theme – 5 Ways the Elements Guide Us. Please enjoy this FREE Meditation to Connect to Water!
Now that we’ve come to the end of our 3 month exploration of Inspiration, what is your Inspiration Takeaway?
What would it feel like to never be inspired? This month’s Audio Teaching offers an answer …
Are you Soul-inspired or Emotional Body-inspired?
How can we inspire each other to work together?
This month we are concluding our Inspiration Exploration and our Vlog is talking about Inspiration and Prompting. Press Play to watch!
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Phone: +61 475 565 141