Having faced our challenges, grabbed our opportunities and recognized our strengths where to now?
This month concludes exploring C.O.S.T. Over the past few months we looked at our purpose from the perspective of its challenges, opportunities, strengths and triumphs. If you have worked through all this with us that is a triumph in itself since you will have experienced more understanding and perhaps expanded your skills and abilities. Each time I work through this exercise I feel a sense of triumph at the end knowing that I have challenged my perspective, strengthened my opportunities and feel a sense fo expansion of my purpose. What about you?
If you have experienced this then what now? Do you keep repeating this over and over again? Of course you can. I don’t mean that you keep repeating the same things over and over again. Whilst repetition is good for learning, it can also send us to sleep! Simply use the idea of C.O.S.T. as a tool at any time you are about to step into something new. It sets up a positive frequency to help through the confusion, frustration or stumbles which might occur. It also helps prevent self judgment. When it comes to purpose it is easy to judge.
However, if you are feeling more purposeful then perhaps the next step is to look at who you are. Any change in understanding requires a change in our acceptance of self and if we don’t anchor that then we slip back. Make a list of the things you now feel are possible that did not seem so 3 months ago. As you list them look at what within you triumphed that makes this is now possible for you. It anchors your sense of self in a new way and becomes part of your foundation for the future.
Over the past few months we have offered resources to help you to grow your purpose. What else are you seeking and how can we help you with this?
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