How often do we consider the expectations of our Soul?
After all, positive expectations are dreams that inspire us to reach for the brass ring. If they are realistic then we know they are achievable.
However, if we are not listening to our Soul and its expectations, based on what we came to achieve, then we struggle to achieve our purpose since that is probably lost in what our personality thinks it is or should be.
We’re not here to win lotto, although winning lotto might well be the means to achieve our purpose. One is the how and the other is the why. We’re here to contribute our specific gifts to our world. The idea is to make it a better place. Our Soul knows the world is great exactly as it is. However, our world may not be and that is where through our contribution we answer the why.
When our Soul expects us to find our inner balance, we can then offer that to others. Our Soul expects us to be the best we can be – and to share that with others. Our Soul expects us to dream as big as we can conceive of and to work towards that with others.
When we listen to our Soul’s expectation then we step onto a bigger stage to play a role and in doing so fulfill the purpose for which we incarnated.
Our Soul is the fuel for our journey and is always trying to fill our tanks.
How full are your tanks?
Insight Teachings Aus Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 475 565 141