Last week we spoke about Aether and self acceptance. One of the sweetest ways to do this for self and others is to use the energy of the Pink Bubbles, which we discussed in our Facebook Live too. What is the pink bubble energy? It is the energy of loving acceptance. When we accept others we are actually loving them unconditionally. It’s not possible to be both accepting and conditional so surrounding them with this energy helps them to feel accepted and loved. We also created the idea of the pink bubbles storehouse where we can go and stand to feel the energy or where we can create a path for others to find it. We were given this energy and how to use it over 20 years ago and it has now been shared with many people over the years. It is simply powerful and it works! In fact, when Tony had surgery for a brain tumour 18 months ago, so many people sent him pink bubbles that even the staff felt and commented on the energy! The speed of his recovery has amazed them all. I have included the exercise here for you to download