The talk is that it might be a couple of years before we recover fully from the effects of the pandemic. Do we want to spend those years being angry? Or would we be better served being creative?
So many different ways of achieving our goals have come to light. How we earn our living in some cases has come to a stop or moved in a different direction. There are many who had a dream that they would look at when they had time. Now they have time and 90% appear to have taken the steps to achieve it. After all, they had nothing to lose and the possibility of gain.
However, some sat wringing their hands and nothing changed. This is a time of challenge. It is also a time of great opportunity if we are willing to take a chance. We may never go back to how it was – and quite frankly, I am happy not to do so.
We have an opportunity to learn to work together to create a more caring, sharing and nurturing world. Are you willing to do so?
Insight Teachings Aus Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 475 565 141