
What Is An Intuitive Individual?

What is an Intuitive Individual? If we operate through the five elements, then we work in harmony with the Divine, with Universal Energy.  If we

Insight Teachings June 24 - Blog Image for Homepage - Element of Resistance

Working with the Element of Resistance

Working with the Element of Resistance Resistance plays a big part where Earth is concerned and that’s very true because the Earth energy is about

Elements, Archetypes and Astrology

Elements, Archetypes and Astrology If you don’t feel you connect to any of the Elements, then it’s important to look first at what your Archetypes

When the Elements Are Not Aligned

When The Elements Are Not Aligned So  there  we  were  in  New  Zealand  where  four  of  the  five  elements  are  in  balance  and  harmony,  staying 

Inspiration and Prompting

Inspiration and Prompting If we’re inspired, we can become an inspiration for others just by being who we are or by saying the right thing

Working with Inspiration

Working with Inspiration This month we’re continuing with the theme of Inspiration which may not necessarily be inspiring people! However, it’s important for us at

Inspiration as it moves us forward

Inspiration as it moves us forward Welcome to 2024 and we’re going to continue by looking at inspiration as it moves us forward on our

AAA Review for 2023

AAA Review for 2023 Are you looking behind you with regret or looking ahead to what can be achieved? We’re coming to the end of

Being a positive force in the world

Being a positive force in the world From a spiritual perspective, when we set an intent to do something, we send energy out into the